On 23-24 May 2013, the European Commission and the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic organize an international conference to exchange knowledge on eco-innovation. This year, the Forum will be held for the first time in Prague and will focus on air quality in cities, particularly on clean mobility and innovation in the field of energy saving with direct air quality impact. The Forum is designed for representatives of the private sector, research institutions, non-profit organizations, state administration and self-government, who are professionally interested in applying eco-innovation.

Technical Textiles Czech, s.r.o. Headquartered in Svitavy, we are pleased to announce that we have become an associate member of the Czech Republic Building Insulation Guild with effect from 28.2.2013 and we are also at the same date as the holder of the Certificate for meeting the requirements for Quality Class A according to CZB CZ 05-2007 On glass fiber fabrics type 122, 122-L and 122-MA39, which are manufactured by the manufacturer of Technical Textiles sro, Beethovenova 16, 921 01 Piešťany, SR, Drahovce, SR.
This certificate gives us the right to use the ETICS brand for a Class A Class as specified in these Certificates.
We exhibit at the Trade Faire 36th.YAPI-TURKEYBUILD ISTANBUL 2013 in Istanbul on 24th - 27th of April, we would be pleased to welcome you there, visit us please at the booth nr.11A, hall KUZEY NORTH nr.2.